Mimosa: the flower, not the cocktail

Giornata internazionale della Donna: International Women's day in Italy

Why was it that I hadn’t heard of International Women’s Day until I was living in Italy as a young adult? Most Italians I knew were quite familiar with the origin story, which had played out in the U.S., and were quick to share it with me. They also were eager to teach me that […]

Confetti and Stars

Filastrocca Italiana, Italian Nursery Rhyme (translation mine)  Buon giorno, Febbraio,Dear February, hello, che mangi frittelleyou, that eat fritters che butti nell’ariaand up to the sky coriandoli e stelle!confetti and stars you throw! In my house, Carnevale is serious business. For many years, however, I routinely forgot about it. As a US expat in Italy, Carnevale […]